Receiving Starts With Y-O-U.
You are the baseline. The degree at which you respect, love, and adore yourself is the degree to which you can receive it. It’s a matter of the heart.
I work in the Akashic records a lot. This is basically a fancy word for the Quantum, the ethers, the multi-verse, or even your souls blueprint. Something you learn when you begin working in that infinite field is about shadow aspects or soul retrieval. This is the idea that there are moments in time where we are vulnerable, or raw, or authentic and show someone or something a part of us, and that part of us is then subject to scrutiny or discomfort, or possibly just doesn’t feel safe in the moment, so a piece of us breaks off into that timeline and then remains unconscious. It gets laid to rest until we retrieve it back, or bring it to the light. During a session in the Akashic Records, we will go back to certain timelines and active those missing pieces, close tethered loops, and then reset the energy back to wholeness in that area. The other day day I had the subtle realization, that this is exactly how matters of the heart function. Let me explain.
Let’s say that once upon a time, you felt absolutely confident in your partner having relationships with the opposite sex. You are open, honest, raw and you have your own platonic relationships with the opposite sex, then … you find out they cheat on you. (*This is just one among many scenarios, it could be a situation with your mother or your father or your friend, ANY LOVE) In that moment, your mind, heart, and spirit are coding in that experience which often leads to that confidence in your partner to be trusted and revered, being left in shadow, left in that timeline. A piece of your heart has broken off into another dimension, laying dormant and waiting for the day you are ready to retrieve it back, in fullness and in love. The only problem with this whole scenario- your mind.
Your mind is a tricky little creature with a built-in protection system. This protection system creates blocks and barriers around ANY FAMILIAR ENERGY that was uncomfortable, unsafe, or undeserving. Now, if that familiar energy was love, how are we supposed to navigate our next relationship freely and effortlessly? Well, we have to call all those pieces back to us and reframe the beauty of what love is. To create our own new system. A system which snapshots the red flags and alerts us, but doesn’t get in the way of a conscious, loving relationship too. Oh yeah, that’s what else I mean to say about your protector - it doesn’t decipher between good or bad or red or green, it just detects that chemical release of love hormones and goes immediately into high alert. Bummer, right? That means it has the ability to not just detect the cheaters or abusers, it stamps a red flag on the safe love too because it’s so afraid of getting hurt again. Now, how do we navigate these murky waters? Teach our head AND our heart that it’s safe to love once again.
Contrary to what your head might tell you, heartbreak is like bone density - when you break it, it gets stronger. Yes, stronger. Not weaker. Learning to love again after heartache is one of the strongest, bravest, boldest things you could ever do. It’s also like running a marathon, if your legs haven’t been on the pavement in a while - we made need to strap our shoes on and get out there to practice.
Just like when you work out and start getting tired and hear those nagging voices, “Why would you do this to yourself? “This is so stupid.” “There is a donut shop right down the road.” “Don’t really feel like it today, no time anyway.” Those same saboteurs will show up on this road to liberating yourself in love. The first steps - to love oneself. Yes, you and you only. By choosing yourself every. damn. day. Unapologetically. Making boundaries, drinking that green juice, hitting the dance floor on a random Tuesday just ‘cuz you feel like it. Oh, and loving yourself through the muddy stuff too. Your shadow. The part of you that is really afraid of love at all in the first place. The you that experienced the hurt. We go to the pain and release it.
What repeated patterns keep showing up in my relationships? Romantic and platonic.
What are the core feelings that underly those patterns? Fear, abandonment, shame, etc.
Are there any core memories I have that are rooted in this feeling?
What are some ways that I could love those parts of me back into wholeness? How could I reframe my perspective to give me a greater outlook on what these experiences gave me vs. took from me?
If I was in the best version of me, how would I give/receive love in my relationships? Romantic and platonic.
Give yourself time to answer these honestly and whole-heartedly. Allowing space for emotion to surface and release and realization to be had.
When you give yourself space to feel, you set the emotion free that was trapped in the confines of that protective mechanism in your mind. It’s no longer the lens at which you are viewing love and you can begin to make gradual, yet pivotal shifts around the way that you open yourself up to love.
The greatest thing about love, there is always more to give. There is always more to receive. It has no cap. It’s limitless, infinite, and an ever-flowing, abundant resource that can never run out. It’s all about our alignment to this great resource that allows us to tap into it. By simple instruction, we can create a safe-love lens in the mind.
Think about something that brings you so much love, maybe it’s petting your cat or reading a book or opening the door for strangers, or maybe holding an old persons hand - what is it? Close your eyes and feel that feeling of love so strongly and then pause. Tune into your body and notice where you feel that feeling the strongest. Tap gently on that part of your body and say to yourself, “I require to make this feeling familiar. It is safe for me to love and be loved.”
Mantras, visualizations, and affirmations are an easy and affirmative way to incorporate, instill, and instruct your mind that love is safe.
You deserve love, no matter what your brain tells you - and there is plenty of it in the world just for you. If there is something you want out there, first, find it in here(inside your heart.) Everything outside of you is a measure of what is inside of you. So, when you become love, love becomes your experience. It’s the one thing, along with your peace, that no one can take from you. It’s your own responsibility to love yourself back into wholeness. We are all sovereign in our experience here.
Remember the magic of your heart is 5,000x stronger than the magic of your thoughts. When you align yourself to that potent frequency of love and make it safe for you once again, your entire world will shift and you become a magnet for more and more of that essence. You simultaneously activate any and all who come into contact with you while you rest in this powerful force.
“One act of love, no matter how small, can ripple out and change the world.”
Make it your mission to love as fully and passionately as you possibly can. It is your birth right.