Living In 5D - Becoming Conscious of It All.

If there is any one potent, powerful Truth, a big T truth, that I could upload into your system right now - it’s that it’s all you.

That’s right, all of it. Let’s digest that for a moment with our breathe. Take a big breath in, hear the words like an echo in your system as you powerfully speak them into existence, “It’s all ME,” and let your fullest, richest breath out.

Now, that it’s woven into and spoken out of your being, let’s integrate this anointed concept.

“All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything.”

You want to know why people love their children so much? It’s because they see the reflection of themselves in them. That’s Source consciousness emanated. Children are a reflection of you. You are a reflection of them. There is a sameness to it which our egoic mind can conceptualize because of it’s blatancy. It’s so clear by the facial features and expressions and attributes that they are made from a part of us. That reflection also shows us everything that we are lacking and learning to love. Children will reflect our deep seeded wounds and fears like a mirror. Just like all of life will, because you see, that sameness that is found in the features of children reflecting their parents, is no different than your reflection found in the waters of a lake or a mirror in the bathroom… or in the sadness you feel when you watch a friend get hurt because you know that pain too well. You feel it yourself, almost as if it was yours. Because to a varying degree, it is. We are all one. This intense phenomena is a mirage of the Creator reflecting itself through any and all things. Personifying the oneness that is saturated throughout our entire being but masked by the density of the human mind.

But, what is the point of integrating a code of Oneness in a life of density? In a life where we have OUR OWN bed and our own car and our own family? Where we have our own dreams and ideals and heartbreak? What is the point of that? If we could begin to acknowledge, allow, and understand the Oneness that flows through all of existence, we would no longer feel separate from our environment or our peers. We would start an evolution of connection and alchemical transcendence of lack and greed because if we could see ourselves in all that is, we would step into Total Creation. We would meet our alignment in the center of our being and feel the powerful, potent energy flowing through us and all of life all of the time. We would step into pure presence allowing and honoring the moment, and ourselves, exactly as it is. We would erase time and expectation and exonerate the conditioned model of ‘shoulda, coulda, wouldas’ and just own who the fuck we are with conviction. We would free ourselves totally in surrender and flow. We would exemplify our true nature of Abundance and Well-being… that’s why.

God consciousness: Activated.

Let’s start with the sticky spaces first.

Where am I stuck?

Pick a person, place, thing, culture, or story that you have a very hard time with. Let’s pretend for a second it’s the wounded patriarchy. Maybe you’re a woman who just can’t let it go that Donald Trump is the president because you reiterate that he’s a bigot or a fascist or a misogynist. I want you to ask yourself this:

Where is this wound showing up within my own personal life? In what ways am I reflecting or attracting my own version of the wounded masculine?

For those not using this example, pick the place, person, or thing and then ask yourself”

What is the rooted reason why I cannot let this go? What is the story? What is the consistent emotional pattern showing up in this circumstance? What do I believe to be true about this? Is there anything that I feel I am lacking and it’s being reflected back to me by this situation, person, or thing?

Now, let’s dig deeper.

Everything is a story. Your relationship patterns are a story, your career patterns, your love patterns, the way you drive to work is a pattern, the way you enunciate your words is a pattern, and quite frankly, your entire being is woven with sacred geometrical patterns and stories. Let’s put some language to these patterns because the Truth about them is that until you recognize them, VERY HONESTLY, you cannot change them. They must be brought all the way up to the surface. So, what story are you stuck inside of that shows up as a reoccurring theme in your life? Maybe you ‘date shitty men that cheat on you,’ or ‘you’re the friend that every body walks all over,’ or maybe ‘your money is out the door as quickly as it came in.’ Tell me, what is one of the most significant reoccurring themes in your life at this very moment? Let’s uproot it.

“Everything is Mind.”

If everything is mind, then everything is malleable and susceptible to influence. Like the water in a glass that you can infuse with intention and it will change it’s molecular structure, you are made of 60-70% water. You too are malleable and susceptible to influence, from your environment, the food you eat, the air you breathe, the words you speak, the feelings you feel and the pictures you create in your mind. Like, Marisa Peer says, it’s your bodies job to make what your mind says real. Your mind and body are in a constant cybernetic loop, consistently exchanging information and creation. Your mind localizes a thought with a picture, and then your body generates feelings to match. It’s a powerful process of manifestation. Please remember, you are much more influential then you may currently believe (or maybe you know your magic) so keep it clean and intentional. Create waves of consciousness that you would also like to flood to you. Look back at your answer to the reoccurring theme/story that keeps coming up in your life and ask yourself this: If I could have anything I wanted from this situation, person, or thing, what would it be? And if everything worked out in my favor, how good could this get?

I remember once I was listening to Esther Hicks and she told a story of when she was still doing over-the-phone channeled readings. She said that her client was a man with a 7-year-old son who couldn’t stop peeing the bed and everyday he would wake up wet and the dad would be so upset. He said, “I just don’t know what to do, he won’t stop peeing the bed!” She said, “well, what are you thinking about?” He said, “well, I guess I’m thinking about him peeing the bed every night…” she said, “well, quit thinking about that! Imagine him waking up dry and happy, imagine yourself being proud and excited for him. Imagine that and feel that.” He called one week later and had woken up dry every. day. That’s oneness. Co-creation. Influence.

Let’s reflect where we can refocus our energy on powerful change.

Name a few ways that you are very positively influencing your life with your thoughts and feelings.

Now, name a few ways (get honest) that you are negatively influencing your life with your thoughts and feelings.

“Select your thoughts like you select your clothes in the morning.”

It’s time to get very selective about where you are putting your energy. Choosing your thoughts as you choose your clothes because everything is energy. Physical “form” is simply energy slowed down into matter. With our focus, it solidifies, with our dissociation, it disintegrates. The study of ‘The Observer Effect’ shows that observing a particle influences the way it behaves. Now that’s spooky. So, you mean to tell me that my energy and the intention behind it will influence the way that a particle behaves? Well, what do we think it’s doing in every aspect of our life then? This is the Creator consciousness that flows within you and all of existence interacting with itself. As a creator, you have the will to get very selective about which thoughts you choose. This is the Creator Consciousness that moves through you in the form of imagination and free will. You are the influencer. Be sure to select and entertain thoughts that you wish to influence and make manifest in your life. Pay no mind to the others as they will just float away. Where attention goes, energy flows.

But, how can’t our ego get in the way? Well, of course it can. But, with practice you can step more and more into alignment with the Greater part of you, everyday. Making it easier and easier to become more conscious and live a full, enriched, abundant life.

Well, how do we do that? Integrating this concept of Equanimity. Oneness. Love.

Let’s explore those 3 things.

1.) Equanimity.

How does this influence our alignment? When we can harness equanimity, we will seize judgement, recognizing that nothing is inherently good or bad. It just is. This generates a powerful flow in our lives, uninhibited by our personal preference. Our personal preference is the only thing that stifles the flow of the Universe. Allowing creates and integration space to feel what we feel, see what we see, hear what we hear, and become the witness to. it. all. Read this powerful excerpt to further integrate.

Maybe so, maybe not.

Please read this out loud and with intention.

A farmer and his son had a beloved horse who helped the family earn a living. One day, the horse ran away and their neighbours exclaimed, “Your horse ran away, what terrible luck!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not.”

A few days later, the horse returned home, leading a few wild horses back to the farm as well. The neighbours shouted out, “Your horse has returned, and brought several horses home with him. What great luck!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not.”

Later that week, the farmer’s son was trying to break one of the horses and she threw him to the ground, breaking his leg. The neighbours cried, “Your son broke his leg, what terrible luck!” The farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not.”

A few weeks later, soldiers from the national army marched through town, recruiting all boys for the army. They did not take the farmer’s son, because he had a broken leg. The neighbours shouted, “Your boy is spared, what tremendous luck!” To which the farmer replied, “Maybe so, maybe not. We’ll see.”

Embodying equanimity allows you to harness the flow of life vs be swept up by the wave.

This doesn’t mean you aren’t suppose to feel. Quite the contrary actually. We are here to feel the full scale of human emotions. The entire rainbow, but in synchronicity with our inner being. In alignment we are free to feel and experience and love and laugh and cry and grieve and breathe. It’s all apart of it, it’s moving with it… not against it. Allow yourself to follow the river of emotion to the destination of attunement to what is because you are a part of it all. Which leads me to number 2.

2.) Oneness.

You and I are neurons in this collective network of neuropathways and synapses. A light amongst the zero-point dark before creation. A unique expression of the Universe like the pattern of a snowflake, never to be recreated again, but all originating from the same, Singular Source energy. We are one. A reflection of each other, part of it all. The energy on the outside, is a reflection of the energy inside. When we can find congruency in the patterns and traits of others that live within us, we create softness. An alignment of understanding that it’s all us. There is nothing to be afraid of or to scrutanize because they are all just varying degrees of the same thing. Source doesn’t care how big or small, it’s the same thing. This may be hard to grasp in terms of morality/ethics.

Let’s say that you stole a pen from the bank, eh they had two anyway - who cares, right? Now, let’s say that a man walks into the grocery store and steels an entire cart full of food for his family. Which one is better? Which one is worse? Neither. They are just varying degrees of the same thing. Conversely, let’s say that a thief plans a jewelry heist at one of the most prestigous places in town to retrieve a rare diamond just for pleasure. That has got to be bad right? Nope. Just another varying degree of the same thing. It’s all an energetic imprint of theft, just a different expression, intention, and degree. So, does that mean that we have all done “bad things?” According to our ego, yes. According to Source, it just is. Let’s reflect on that.

Is there anything that you just cannot forgive someone for? Or is there anything you cannot forgive yourself for? Any lessons you can’t seem to master? Well, root into what the core energy is, and then peel the apple. What do you feel from this circumstance? Then, ask yourself - to what degree have a I ever reflected a similar energy out into my own life?

Maybe your husband cheated on you and he lied about it. Have you ever skipped work and lied to your boss about where you were? Or have you ever phoned a friend and had them fill out your entire math homework for you? Seems crazy, but guess what? It’s all a varying degree of the same thing. Congruency. Oneness. Reflection and Actualization.

I also understand that some things are easier to forgive then others. Some things leave powerful and lasting scars, making it more difficult to accept them as Source energy to a varying degree. That’s where the Love comes in.

3.) Love

Have you ever heard of Ho’oponopono? It’s beautiful Hawaiian practice of forgiveness where we express gratitude, love, and healing toward any and all hard situations. It’s a vibrational word that holds a unique frequency of healing energy. We can break it down like this:

I’m sorry

Please forgive me

I love you

Thank you

The word Ho’oponopono translates to - correction, or to make right. This energetic reversal of flow allows the situation to breathe once again and become conscious. It helps us heal, not only ourselves, but also others. It exonerates our Divinity and brings us into wholeness and receptivity as we are all One. We have the imaginative power of God in our hands and hearts holding the ability to reconstruct and rekindle even the most diabolical of circumstances. I encourage that if you feel stuck anywhere, with anyone, or on any memories of the past - pull up that memory, person, or thing from the archives and hear those words like an echo as you say them out loud.

I’m sorry

Please forgive me

Thank you

I love you

Read this translation of a powerful story where Dr. Hew, a student of Ho’oponopono used the magic of this concept to heal a mental hospital:

“I discovered that Dr. Hew Len was a student of Ho’oponopono and had worked at the Hawaii State Hospital in the high security ward for the criminally insane from 1983 to 1987. Many witnesses claim that Dr. Hew Len didn’t do any therapy on the patients. He would walk through the ward, and review the patients’ files, but not for the purpose of therapy.

This mental ward was supposably so chaotic that nurses reported that no day would end without a brawl among patients, the nurses, and the rest of the staff. The mental ward was so destructive and depressive that the staff would go on sick-leave a lot of times.

The way the story goes is the Dr. Hew Len would arrive in the office every morning with a cheerful and tranquil disposition. Dr. Hew Len never made personal visits to the inmates, but he would browse through their files from time to time. Strangely enough, things started to change in the mental ward.

The prisoners and staff gradually go along with each other. The inmates were less destructive and the mental ward employees made more initiative to make the ward a better place.

Dr. Hew Len worked in the the mental ward for almost four years, and during that period, prisoners were released and the staff performed their responsibilities dutifully again. Only a few inmates were left and eventually, they were transferred to other wards. The clinic was closed down because barely any inmates were left.

Dr. Hew Len says that Ho’oponopono is the process where we say to The Divine: “I love you” (unification), “I’m sorry” (repentance), “Please forgive me” (forgiveness), and “Thank you” (transmutation).

When he asked what caused the patients to change, his simple answer is always “I was simply healing the part of me that created them.” He believed that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life – simply because it is in your life – is your responsibility. In a literal sense the entire world is your creation. If you take complete responsibility for your life, then everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or in any way experience is your responsibility because it is in your life.

Ho’oponopono teaches taking 100% responsibility in everything you see, feel, and experience is the only way to live a miraculous life. Everything we see and experience is nothing more than our individual and collective memories. Dr. Hew Len believes the miracle in the hospital was nothing more than him cleaning and cleaning the memories in him that were demonstrating in the hospital.”

We all have a responsibility within this realm to integrate, understand, and embody more and more love.

Oh… and one reminder - there is always more love to have, hold, and give.

It takes a bit of mastery to go beyond ourselves, but with practice, I utterly usher you, you too can incorporate this beautiful tool.


You are not separate, but one with the Creator. One with it all.

“You are a masterpiece because you are a piece of the master.”

Live like there will never be another expression of you again, because there won’t.

You are not separate. Like the windows in your house are made from glass at the beach and the shirt you wear made from the cotton at the fields, you are a part of it. Drinking the water which flows through our mother and eating the food which grows from the soil and breathing the air that is oxygenated by the trees, it all flows through you all of the time. The words you take in through the media is our collective representation and corruption. The music you hear becomes the tone at which you vibrate and the frequency or pitch at which you speak becomes the tone of your echo - you are one with it all.

So, even when it’s tricky, remember it’s all you anyway. You vs. You.

How would you handle something differently if you knew you were speaking to another version of yourself? Love is the answer. Love is the anchor.


Receiving Starts With Y-O-U.