Hi love,
It’s me, Annelle
Your Spiritual Mentor, Hypnotist, and Meditation Teacher.
You are the medicine. You always were.
I will simply be your mirror. Allowing you a clear, calm, open space to reflect on your deepest desires, dreams, and goals. Together we will forge the path to bring them into the physical by clearing out the old and drawing in the new.
“The wound is the place that light enters you.” - Rumi
It’s about alchemy.
I remember feeling so alone. So confused. Longing for purpose, meanings of life, and yearning to feel happiness or some kind of sense of belonging. And then it hit…
It was just around the time I took the quantum leap into motherhood, becoming a mother at 18, that one of my very best friends had just passed away in a car accident. Feeling distraught and like an absolute failure, struggling with substance abuse, in a very toxic partnership, broke as heck, almost like the whole world was on top of me and I couldn’t breathe - the last words he spoke to me kept ringing in my ear. He asked me, “Are you happy? Because that’s all that matters you know.” And there it began. My pursuit of happiness. My journey back to Self. To love and to wholeness.
Fast forward to now, I have a beautiful home with 2 daughters, a loving partner, the best pets, a real relationship with myself and my body, a deep spiritual connection, have worked through substance abuse and harnessed a potent connection with plant medicine, and a fucking kick-ass career where I get to help souls, such as yourself, find their way back. Yes, I’m still human and have my ups and downs, but, now I know my way back, I know my way in and through, and I trust the process of infinite creation because everything is perfect, just as it is. Divine Perfection. All the cross-roads, the challenges, and the adversity, leads you straight back into your heart, where all the wholeness is found.
The only way out is through.
Together we move.
What if everything in front of you was just a mirror? Showing you what your deepest beliefs and patterns are? What if it was all happening for you? Or even happening through you.
Now, if life was happening through you - wouldn’t that mean you could just make a small perspective shift and change the entire picture?
By George, I think we’ve got it..