Helping Individuals Reclaim their beauty, power, and magnificence

You have had experiences that tie you into certain beliefs about who you are, your path, and your power. What if I told you- every single piece served a purpose for your soul? What if your challenges were meant to empower you and ignite you into the exact person you were meant to be? What if every experience had an offering? We are here to shift your perspective. 

what we do

The realm of 

What would being fully present in the moment look like to you? What would absolute and total happiness look? What are your wildest dreams? What holds you back from those dreams?

We are here to explore. To understand. To create. To dream. To BE. To harness the aspect of you that you're ready to embody. Whether that be honesty, openness, sensuality, femininity, prosperity, love, wealth, health, ALL OF IT is yours - all you have to do is claim it. Let's reach out and grab it. 

Psychic Readings

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service 1

Take a journey through your stars as we communicate with your angels, ancestors, and guides. Your angels and guides and here to love you- they are your spiritual, unseen team hiding in plain sight. They are always here cheering you on and assisting you to and through every situation, circumstance, or thing that your soul came here to experience. As we connect with them, we will get specific and tailored guidance that will have a deep resonance with where you are or what your moving through. Sessions include but are not limited to personal development, akashic/timeline healing, trauma recoding, past life regression, wound work, goddess activations, divine feminine/masculine healing, and so much more. 

Spiritual Development

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service 2

Have you ever known something before it happens? Gave your best friend the greatest advice and don't know where it came from? Bought a deck of tarot cards for no reason? Well, as Alice Hoffman said, "There's a little witch in all of us." What if I told you we all have psychic abilities, special gifts, and the ability to tap into the unseen? This is a fact. We all have special, super powers. It's about learning the way that spirit speaks to and through you. What if I also told you that I taught myself how to channel? This exact reason and earthly experience is why I've created classes and programs for YOU to tap into the psychic within YOU. From Channeling workshops, intuitive tarot programs, and psychic attunements- we have something for you to connect with. 

Somatic Therapy & Quantum Healing

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service 3

It's your body's job to make what your mind says real. What if we could tailor that to our own liking? What if anything really was possible? When we endeavor through quantum/somatic healing we take you out of everything you know and into the unknown. For example: you think you know that; you have debt, a health condition, you're destined to be single for the rest of your life, women suck, or you have to work really hard to get to where you want to be- this just simply isn't true, you think it is. You have also conditioned your mind to think it's true which has created your personality(personal-reality). When we heal within the quantum we heal on a multidimensional and cellular level- we rewrite your old stories and turn them into powerful, aligned desires. We take you into the realm of possibilities and out of the realm of probabilities. You are a powerful, multidimensional being waiting to express yourself to the fullest- be that. 

Kind words

Annelle is the kindest, most understanding, and helpful human! If you are looking to find balance, peace, or to find your new path in life, she's your woman. I've been a client for two years and she's helped me with so many different areas of my life. I am eternally grateful for her guidance and support! She truly has a gift for helping and "seeing" you. 

- Kyra A.

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"Put testimonials here. This builds the "like, know, trust" factor. Social proof is one of the best ways to increase conversions on your website. Place your testimonials here.This builds the "like, know, trust" factor. Social proof is one of the best ways to increase conversions on your website. "

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let's dive in

Yesterday is history and tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that's why they call it the present. 

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