The Power of Intention - How to set yourself free every night.

As Michael B. Beckwith would say, “Become a conscious participant in your own growth and unfoldment.”

Every night and every morning offers us a sweet window of opportunity. Just as you rise you in the morning and as you fall asleep at night - your brain drops into Alpha (the learning state) and then Theta (the creative, receptive state) - both of which contact your subconscious mind (the doorway to the unconscious). The unconscious mind dictates about 95% of your patterns, behaviors, and responses throughout your every day waking state. This way you don’t have to think about blinking or digesting or the way that you drive home form work half the time so that your mind can focus on conscious tasks and duties. It is the silent partner in your business deal - and can only be contacted through these slower brain wave states. By dropping into the body and allowing yourself those few moments to reconnect, breathe, and be very intentional - we can make quantum shifts in your waking reality with ease and comfort. Through the art of self-reflection and release.

During those few moments as you rise or fall, as challenging as it may be at first to remember, ask yourself to pause and be. To refocus on your breath and slow everything down. This is the space where magic happens and alchemy infuses. You are in the portal of transformation where your inner being can directly influence the unconscious to make pivotal shifts according to your intentionality. It will wire in the messaging, feeling sensations, and intentions you set and rapidly fire them into your reality.

In the morning

Before you get all the way out of bed - breathe and set your intention. Pick and affirmation or prayer that resonates with your heart and mind and what states or goals you are going to achieve throughout your day. Oh, and don’t forget to spend a few moments already tuning into that state before you fully rise so that your body has a lens to draw it into reality.

  • I give myself permission to be the biggest version of me today

  • Something magical is going to happen to me today

  • Today is a new day full of opportunities and abundance

  • Today I will access and embody equanimity and peace throughout my entire being

  • This day is rich with love, light, and special surprises just waiting for me

  • I am love, I am health, I am peace

  • I honor the depth of who I am today in all its fullness

Then, offer yourself up to the Divine. Remember, we come here to be in contribution. To be of service to this beautiful life and nothing feels better than when we stand in the light of authenticity and shine our powerful gifts out into the world. Open your palms face up and say a little something like this -

  • I am open and willing to receive the blessings of today

  • I am available to you, Great Spirit, wherever you call my energy to be - I will be. Fully present and in love

  • As I stand in my power, I create an offering to you, Universe to access my energy in this Divinely orchestrated flow of Abundance and take me where you need me

  • How can I be in contribution today?

  • I rest in the energy of surrender and open myself up to your Higher Wisdom and Love to guide the way

Really access the sensations of what it would feel like if you were already in the flow, already in contribution, already in peace and joy and love. We wait for no one, the time is now.

At the end of your day

Spend some time in reflection of what went “wrong,” or anywhere that you got off course of your equanimity and alignment. Then release it all back up to Source. It was never your to carry. Take special note on anywhere throughout the day that feels stuck or sticky, that may have brought you down or cause you to dip and refocus your energy through acceptance. We are all human. A few prayers that help recenter this energy are:

  • “I surrender all worries and control. I trust in the Divine timing of my life. I am exactly where I need to be. I rest with faith, knowing I am guided by the light of the Universe.”

  • “Divine Spirit, I release all that was said and done today. If I have caused harm in thought, word, or action, I ask for forgiveness. If I have been harmed, I choose to forgive. I free myself and others from the weight of today. I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you. May I rest in peace and begin anew tomorrow.”

  • “I did my best today and that is enough. I release any self-judgement, knowing I am always growing. I forgive myself and embrace humanity. I let go of all that is heavy and make space for love, peace, and rest.”

  • “I surrender all the mistakes of today. I let go of what I cannot change. I release resentment and embrace compassion. May I and all beings be free from suffering. May peace fill my heart and mind as I sleep.”

Once you have finished with your release, spend a few moments reflecting on moments where you harnessed, accessed, and cultivated your intentions throughout the day that you had set in the morning. This sets the tone for encouragement and reinforcement through your subconscious to keep up the good work and build stronger neuropathways of prosperity and love. Praise yourself for the good deeds of not only yourself, but in others. This accesses a healing frequency that gives hope to all of humanity to be kinder, stronger, and more forgiving by very nature. You are healing the world through this work. You can reinforce these experiences and energy with simple statements like

  • I require to make this energy familiar

  • I am seeing more and more love and abundance every single day

  • I am honoring my inner being and choosing to live a life on my own terms of peace and surrender

  • I have so much to offer the world and that becomes more and more clear every day

  • I live in this Divine flow of infinite prosperity and wisdom

  • I have something special to offer the world and the world needs my light

  • Every time that I recreate this energy, I am rewarded with more and more of it

  • I see the light, I feel the love, I honor the space of being human and whole in my full range of emotions and sensations

That’s it. It’s so simple. In actuality this is 10 minutes of presence throughout your day and makes LIGHT YEARS of therapeutic work to your unconscious. This work offers you back up the drivers seat of your life and allows you to receive more, give more, and feel more deeply aligned with your purpose, passions, and what you came here to do - your mission. To be light and express yourself fully and completely.


Keep a journal of your current state and ability to sustain this high vibrational energy and over the coming weeks document how much or easily that begins to shift in your waking reality. In your responses and reactions and overall well-being. Then check back to the beginning and see how far you have come in such a short amount of time. You may very well surprise the shit out of yourself how powerful these simple shifts can be. Honor it, honor you, and choose you. You deserve to feel the expansiveness of your own light and love. After all, you are the only you in the world - we need more of it.

So hop to it!

The light in me sees the light in you, sweet soul. Carry on.


Receiving Starts With Y-O-U.